Por cierto, me gustaría añadir (off topic) que dentro de poco terminaré una maqueta en solitario, la cual obviamente postearé aquí para descarga del personal! :) A partir de ese momento, volveré a dibujar como un cosaco y este lugar cogerá la vida que necesita.
Hot delivery right from the deformed brain oven of this guy talking/typing! I had this drawing halfway done for too much time, so I decided to finish it a couple of days ago. A pretty random piece, yet it already has meaning: Don't you feel all pissed of whenever your brains are swamped? You know, creative mind blocks... all artists and creatives in general will know what I'm talking about. Well, this drawing is the reflection of all that.
By the way, I'd also like to say (off topic) I started a solo project (in music) a couple of months ago and the demo is almost finished, which obviously I'll post around here so you can all download it :) From that moment, I'll go back to draw full time and post more entries so this place can be filled with the life it needs!!
Hecho con Photoshop Cs. / Done with Photoshop Cs
Personal Soundtrack for this pic:
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